Aser Summer School

What is Summer School?

Summer School / Course / Session is a form of education that offers academic and non-academic courses during the summer period.

Generally, they are short, intensive, full-time courses in specific subjects, along with extracurricular activities. The summer school lasts for up to 5 months, and the summer school is completely optional and there is no student obligated to attend.

The summer school helps students advance their academic studies and obtain certificates or degrees. A summer school may offer to review a material studied during the previous school year, explore a known topic, or discover a new interest.

Although the university summer school can help clarify the concepts studied during the last academic year, they should not be confused with the remedial summer courses in high schools, which are intended for students who have failed a particular subject. The University Summer School is an enrichment program, providing additional assistance to students seeking to advance their knowledge during the summer vacation.

the duration of the study








Optional course



Spacing applies precautionary terms

Online study is available and study is available inside the center. The number of students, with a maximum of 5 students

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