
Autodesk® Inventor® 3D CAD

easy-to-use set of tools for 3D mechanical design, documentation, and product simulation. Digital Prototyping with Inventor helps you design and validate your products before they are built to deliver better products, reduce development costs, and get to market faster.

This course is designed for students to learn the basics of mechanical 3D computer-aided design using Autodesk Inventor.
Students learn how to navigate the gesture-based user interface and receive overviews of the basic sketching, part-modelling, assembly-modelling and manufacturing drawing technique In this Autodesk Inventor Intermediate course students learn the recommended workflows and advanced functionalities for creating 3D models using Autodesk Inventor 2018.
Students explore the proper techniques and recommended workflows for modelling, adaptive design, derived design, and functional design.
Students also learn how to quickly create and document designs, and publish custom parts using the Content Center. Hands-on exercises representing real-world, industry-specific design scenarios are included.

What Will You Learn

Navigate the Inventor user interfaces.
Use the fundamental features of Inventor.
Present drawings in a detailed and visually impressive way.
To enable students to reuse content that has been previously
Created, and extract information from their drawings.
Visualizations ,Sketching ,Feature, Modeling, Assembly and Drawing Enhancements
Parametric part and assembly design using Autodesk Inventor.
Parametric solid modeling concepts and design or mechanical engineering principles.


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